Expedition I.R.I.S
In a not-so-distant future, humanity has reached new heights with a globally funded space exploration mission, named ‘IRIS’ [International Research In Space] The mission's objective is to ensure the survival and advancement of Earth's future by expanding our knowledge of the cosmos.
The multinational crew embarks on a daring odyssey into the vast unexplored frontier. Their mission is to scout and document a carefully curated list of exoplanets, searching for resources, potential lifeforms, and habitable environments that could be humanity's next home.
As they journey deeper into uncharted territory the crew faces countless challenges and discoveries, forming deep bonds as they traverse the cosmos. They encounter breathtakingly beautiful celestial wonders and alien worlds beyond imagination, but they also experience the harsh realities of space exploration, and there is no backup coming.
LaurelFelt.art@gmail.com © 2017-2024 Laurel Felt